Empowering women & girls is our primary focus.

Ghaida Ameen, one of the hardworking graduates of our women’s  empowerment programs

In the 21st century, it is clear that women hold tremendous potential and power. They have proven themselves as equal contributors to society and are now poised to take on even greater roles. Yet, many women around the world lack access to education, which is one of the main tools for empowering individuals to gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s changing world. We believe that education and economic empowerment are key to gender equality and economic development and women deserve the chance to reach their full potential and become leaders in their communities and around the world.

Ghaida Ameen, one of the hardworking graduates of our women’s  empowerment programs

Youth & Education


Through EduRise’s ACT (Action for Civic Transformation) program, Hanan gained the skills and knowledge to pursue her dream in communications and media. With the support of EduRise’s team and resources, she secured a position as a call center operator at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Sanaa, Yemen. Hanan’s success highlights the power of education and empowerment, demonstrating the significant impact organizations like EduRise can have on young women’s lives. We are proud to have contributed to Hanan’s journey and are committed to continuing our support for women like her in the future.

“I am truly grateful for the opportunity I had to participate in EduRise’s ACT program. It was a life-changing experience for me, and I am now confident in my abilities to be a leader and make a positive impact in my community. The program equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to secure a job in communications and media with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Sanaa, Yemen. I will always be thankful to EduRise for their support and guidance on my path to success.”

_ Hanan Almahseni

Women & Education

Our approaches.

The Women Empowerment through Education program is an important part of the work that EduRise® does to improve education in underdeveloped countries. Education is a powerful tool for empowering women and promoting gender equality, as it can help to reduce poverty, improve health outcomes, and increase economic opportunities.

There are many different approaches that we, at EduRise, take to promote women’s empowerment through education:


EduRise® provides women with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to succeed in education, civic life, and their careers. These programs may cover topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy, and may be offered as workshops, retreats, or longer-term training programs.


EduRise® offers mentorship programs to provide support and guidance to women as they pursue their education and career objectives. These programs match women with experienced mentors who can offer advice, share their knowledge and expertise, and provide support and encouragement as they work towards their goals.


EduRise® conducts research to understand the needs and challenges facing women & girls in LDCs and to identify the most effective strategies for supporting their education and empowerment. Our research includes gathering and analyzing data to inform the design and implementation of our programs and initiatives.


EduRise® works with local governments, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to support and enhance our efforts to promote girls' education and women's empowerment. By working together, we are determined to leverage our resources and expertise to create more impactful and sustainable initiatives that support women & girls in achieving their goals.


EduRise® engages in advocacy efforts to promote the importance of education for girls & women and to advocate for policies and initiatives that support gender equality and women's empowerment. This may include lobbying for policies that support the education and development of women, as well as raising awareness about the crucial role that education plays in empowering women.

Empowerment Programs


Through our educational programs and projects that encourage leadership and creativity, we are keen to enable young women to have the opportunity to develop their confidence, build strong communication skills, and build a foundation for a successful career in their chosen field and in return help develop their community.


We are committed to building women's personalities and helping them become the best versions of themselves. Through our unique personal development programs, women gain the tools needed to navigate life's challenges and achieve professional success.


Through specific capacity-building programs that target young women, we provide them with what they need to engage in civic life and promote gender equality in society toward the complete representation and participation of women


EduRise is dedicated to helping women compete in the labor market. Our training programs provide women with the opportunity to enhance their career skills by focusing on different aspects of career development.


equal opportunities; Fair present & future

Access to quality education is essential for individuals to reach their full potential and contribute to the development of society. Unfortunately, girls and young women often face discrimination and limited opportunities in education due to gender inequality. At EduRise®, we work to eliminate all forms of gender discrimination in and through education and ensure equal access to good quality education for girls and young women. This helps to create a fair present and future for all and is an important step towards creating a more equitable world.